Tamsin Dearnley

Sound Design

A fascination with music and a master's degree in composition led naturally to an increasing fascination with sound itself - my childhood penchant for making 'horrid music' (turning on every sound-emitting device in the house at once and 'mixing' with the volume controls - sorry, mum!), as well as trying to coax out as many different types of sound as possible from a set of pan lids clearly had some use after all...

" Tamsin Dearnley wove together a haunting soundscape of jangling musical boxes, ticking clocks and eerie singing to evoke his dreams, nightmares and memories."
- Freud Museum London

I have worked on some extremely fruitful collaborations with immersive theatre company Red Hood Productions, creating soundscapes for several touring and static exhibitions.

This work in soundscapes has led (perhaps naturally, in hindsight!) to my working with indie game developers on a variety of projects; the lines between background/incidental music, soundscape and sound design have some extremely blurry edges!