Tamsin Dearnley

Angel Bread EP - OUT NOW!

About this album: absent friends and clandestine guitar borrowing...

2020 was definitely an unprecedented year for (I think I can safely say) people throughout the world. It was right before the first series of lockdowns that I picked up my dad's guitar and realised that I /still/ had never figured out how to play one.

After several attempts to force my hands into what seemed to me like impossibly contorted positions, I admitted defeat. Then it occurred to me to try re-tuning the guitar - if I couldn't make my hands make the correct notes, why not start with the ones I wanted already in place...?

The result of this experimentation was 'The Wood Song' - the first 'real' song I ever wrote, and over the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 I decided to use my time under confinement and curfew to continue experimenting with alternative tunings and try to improve my songwriting. (This might have involved some hilarious-in-retrospect 'allo 'allo-style meetings in which instruments and recording equipment were exchanged at arm's length in back alleys, out of sight of any hovering gendarmes!)

I hope that you enjoy 'Angel Bread', my debut EP as a singer-songwriter.

See the music videos in the playlist below: